Winds - 15 min Average 8.24 MPH N S E W Wind Speed 8.24 mph Peak Wind Gust 11.84 mph Wind Direction 330.30°az Current: 15m ago: 30m ago: 45m ago:
Temps - 15 min Average 63.22°F -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 4 in. Soil Temp 68.92°F 8 in. Soil Temp 68.47°F
Humidity - 15 min Average 48.79% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 24hr Precipitation 0.0099999999999998 in. Accum. Precipitation 7.12 in.

Courtesy of US Bureau of Reclamation AgriMet Network

Updates at :10, :25, :40, :55 approx.

Aircraft Soundings: 2023-09-28 - 06:50

Surface Temperature 40°F -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Soundings All Elevations MSL Madras Airport 2450ft MSL 8000ft 33°F 7500ft 35°F 7000ft 35°F 6500ft 37°F 6000ft 38°F 5500ft 41°F 5000ft 44°F 4500ft 45°F 4000ft 46°F 3500ft 49°F 3000ft 47°F 2500ft 45°F
Winds 4000ft: 6000ft: 3@S 8000ft: 9@W Visibility North @ 4000ft: 15+ clear North @ 8000ft: 20+ clear South @ 4000ft: 20+ clear South @ 8000ft: 20+ clear

Pilot Report

Surface calm


Cloud base 7000’ cloud tops 7500’

PiBal Soundings: 2023-09-18 - 13:00

Hodograph N S E W 6650 ft 3325 ft 10mph
Wind Profile 709 ft 4 mph 1358 ft 4 mph 2008 ft 3 mph 2628 ft 7 mph 3248 ft 8 mph 3839 ft 10 mph 4429 ft 13 mph 5020 ft 14 mph 5610 ft 7 mph 6201 ft 10 mph
PiBal Sounding Data Elevation Azimuth Layer Direction Speed 65°az 107°az 709 ft 287°az 4 mph 63°az 112°az 1358 ft 297°az 4 mph 66°az 100°az 2008 ft 246°az 3 mph 61°az 94°az 2628 ft 265°az 7 mph 57°az 89°az 3248 ft 258°az 8 mph 52°az 89°az 3839 ft 269°az 10 mph 47°az 90°az 4429 ft 273°az 13 mph 43°az 90°az 5020 ft 270°az 14 mph 44°az 86°az 5610 ft 225°az 7 mph 43°az 84°az 6201 ft 250°az 10 mph


Sunrise 5:46am 14:49 Daylight Sunset 8:35pm 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

The Jefferson County Smoke Management Program is a cooperative effort of the Jefferson County Seed Growers Association and the Jefferson County Fire Protection District #1 to create a safe, controlled agricultural field burning season that ensures public safety and minimizes, to the greatest degree possible, impacts of smoke on the communities of Central Oregon.